BEFC vs Lions FC
Last year around this time BEFC were mauled in the FCJ Cup Halloween Day Massacre by the Lions.
That only hurt our pride since the Lions then got the joy of being knocked out by a Division 1 team in the next round while we got to make a run on the Plate.
However this time it is the League match, and to be fair Lions are a bogey team for us! The following league rematch they beat us with 10 men, albeit in horrible weather, a non-penalty and a disallowed goal for us. Nevertheless the lesson learnt in that match is don't try and play on the floor tiki-taka style football in a downpour -- ball is wet, ground slippy, passes not easy.
Anyway it also turns out that Lions consider BEFC to be their rivals!! Shock news to me, but will explain why they are always really up for it when we play them.
They've never been on our rivals list, but now we know this, it is very important for when we put out a team to play Lions.
They will be getting their best players out, they'll be totally out to beat us, and they know they have a good record of upsetting us.