BEFC Midseason General Meeting
Every season we have 2 General Meetings. One at the end of the previous Season that prepares for the next, and then one Mid-Season to check on how things are going and focus on any goals to make before the end of the season.
All members are welcome to attend the General Meetings and give their opinions on the various topics discussed. In nearly all cases the final Policy is decided by the majority present at the meeting. So if wish to influence or enact something at the club it's a good idea to turn up to one.
We have an online Document for the Agenda in the link on this event page so you can see what is being discussed and Members are welcome to email the club with anything they would like to be added to the Agenda for discussion.
If you also feel strongly about an issue and want your opinion noted but cannot attend you may also email the club and someone will represent your position on the topic and in the voting.
The Document is a Live document and items maybe edited, added or removed leading up to the meeting.
This year the meeting is on a Week Day in Toranomon for the convenience of the majority of Team captains.
If you plan to attend please sign up on the Event Sheet because we have to consider the capacity of the Venue. Do not show up without registering.
Rough deadline for attendance is the Sunday before.