BEFC Ladies was established in September 2016 as a part of the British Embassy Football Club where female players could enjoy playing futsal together. BEFC is open to all players but participation in various competitions have rules for women only and mixed teams. BEFC Ladies therefore can enter these competitions as a Ladies only team, combine with General Futsal for mixed events and of course play together with the general club. For that purpose BEFC Ladies has it's own practice sessions for women players.
BEFC Ladies practice regularly on an all-weather 5-a-side (futsal) court in the Embassy grounds in central Tokyo.
All ladies are welcome to join BEFC to just play futsal in central Tokyo and possibly take part in any five aside or seven a-side competitions.
Embassy Futsal’s term starts in September and generally continues until the end of August as it is dependent on Embassy members for usage of the pitch.
Joining Ladies Futsal
After contacting BEFC, the individual will be invited to the Embassy as a guest to decide whether to join BEFC Futsal. To continue playing and be eligible for any competitions or friendlies the player must join BEFC and pay their subscription fee invoiced by the club. Upon payment they are now a full member of BEFC.
Playing Embassy Futsal
Futsal is held every Thursday from 19:30 until roughly 21:30 and takes place at the British Embassy in Hanzomon Tokyo.
For more details view the Playing information page.